Articles Tagged 'servers'

Running Rapise GUI Tests with Jenkins

Recommended approach is to use SpiraTest and RapiseLauncher designed for this task. In some cases it is not an option and we need to execute a test directly. 

Note: this manual is out of date. Please refer to the new one for Jenkins 2.440 instead.

Troubleshooting Emails Not Being Received from Spira or KronoDesk

Sometimes when you use Spira or KronoDesk and perform actions (e.g. assigning bugs, test cases, etc.) email notifications are not received correctly. This article provides some common reasons and solutions

How to move a Spira or KronoDesk installation to another Server

Sometimes it is necessary to move a SpiraTeam, SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, or KronoDesk installation to another server, without wanting to lose all of your data. This KB will guide you through the steps of transferring the install over, and optionally upgrading the application. This guide will walk you through the recommended steps when needing to move both the application and database to new servers.