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This behavior pattern implements standard behavior for Lightning Grid control.

Extends HTMLObject

Extends SeSSimulatedObject

Behavior Pattern: DomLightningGridBehavior

Property Summary

Property Description Getter Setter
Cell Text of the specified cell. GetCell
ColumnCount Number of columns in the grid. GetColumnCount
ColumnIndex Index of a column with given name. GetColumnIndex
ColumnName Caption of a column. GetColumnName
RowCount Number of rows in the grid. GetRowCount

Action Summary

Action Description
DoClickCell Clicks the specified cell.
DoClickText Clicks on a specific text inside the grid.

Property Detail


Text of the specified cell.

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
row number | string Zero-based index of a row or cell text.
col string | number Name of a column or zero-based column index.

Type: string

Accessors: GetCell

value = SeS('SomeDomLightningGrid').GetCell(/**number|string*/row, /**string|number*/col)


Number of columns in the grid.

Type: number

Accessors: GetColumnCount

value = SeS('SomeDomLightningGrid').GetColumnCount()


Index of a column with given name.

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
columnName string Column name.

Type: number

Accessors: GetColumnIndex

value = SeS('SomeDomLightningGrid').GetColumnIndex(/**string*/ columnName)


Caption of a column.

Getter Parameters:

Name Type Description
columnIndex number Zero-based index of the column.

Type: string

Accessors: GetColumnName

value = SeS('SomeDomLightningGrid').GetColumnName(/**number*/columnIndex)


Number of rows in the grid.

Type: number

Accessors: GetRowCount

value = SeS('SomeDomLightningGrid').GetRowCount()

Action Detail


Clicks the specified cell.

SeS('SomeDomLightningGrid').DoClickCell(row, col, clickType, xOffset, yOffset)


Name Type Description
row number | string Zero-based index if the row or text of a cell in the specified column.
col string | number Zero-based index of the column or column name.
clickType string Type of click, can be one of "L" - left click, "LD" - double left click, "R" - right click, "RD" - double right click, "M" - middle click, "MD" - double middle click, "N" - don't click Possible values: "L", "LD", "R", "RD", "M", "MD", "N"
Optional, Default: "L".
xOffset number X offset to click within node. Default is a center.
yOffset number Y offset to click within node. Default is a center.


boolean: 'true' if successful, 'false' otherwise


Clicks on a specific text inside the grid.

SeS('SomeDomLightningGrid').DoClickText(text, index)


Name Type Description
text string Text to search in the grid.
index number Index in the array if the text found several times.


'true' if successful, 'false' otherwise