Using Team Foundation Server
With Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) you normally connect using a TFS URL:

For example you would use http://vm-tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection to connect to this instance in the SpiraTeam connection dialogs:

The login and password would need to be the Microsoft ActiveDirectory (Windows Network) login/password for the instance of TFS being connected to. The Windows DOMAIN needs to be included in the Custom 01 field.
Using Visual Studio Online
When using Visual Studio Online (VSO) you need to first login to the instance of Visual Studio Online and access your profile:

Click on the Security Option. Then in the user security menu, choose the option to enter 'Alternate Credentials'. You need to now enter a login and password that SpiraTeam will use to connect to VSO:

Now when you connect from SpiraTeam:

You use the base URL of VSO: (don't enter the project name in the URL).
For the login/password, make sure you use the alternate credentials you just created. Also make sure to leave Custom 01 blank so that it doesn't try and use a Windows Domain user.