Archive for June 2014

Agile Waterfalls (Part 2)

June 19th, 2014

For companies making the transition from traditional linear / phased methodologies (often called waterfall methodologies because of how they look like a series of waterfalls with arrows between them), to agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban, there is often a question of how make their methodology "more agile" without completely changing everything all at once. This two-part entry describes how you can embrace agile in an iterative or agile manner. Read More

Agile Waterfalls (Part 1)

June 17th, 2014

For companies making the transition from traditional linear / phased methodologies (often called waterfall methodologies because of how they look like a series of waterfalls with arrows between them), to agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban, there is often a question of how make their methodology "more agile" without completely changing everything all at once. This two-part entry describes how you can embrace agile in an iterative or agile manner. Read More

Software Tools Are Like Football (Soccer)

June 12th, 2014

Growing up, I played football / soccer at school. We were all much, much younger when we first learned the game; so young that I think we could barely even count up to eleven, so it should have been no surprise to the coach that he had some difficulty in conveying the idea of team sports. He wanted us to stop thinking of ourselves as individuals, which was not easy as we were only just beginning to develop our own individuality. As a result of our youthful enthusiasm, we each spent most of the time running after the ball as if that were the only way to win. Read More

How to Choose a Test Management Tool

June 4th, 2014

While it might seem that the most important consideration when choosing a test management software tool is the set of basic tool features supporting the test process itself, you should not neglect a wide range of other questions that could make or break your test management tool choice. This whitepaper identifies the key attributes you should look for in a test management solution. Read More