On installations where KronoDesk v1.1 was installed or upgraded before patch #5, users that are not logged on to the application will not see avatars on the forum pages; instead they will see 'missing image' placeholders.

Even after installing patch #5 or later, this issue will remain, since a file that needs to be updated can not be updated by a patch. To correct this issue, perform the following:

  1. On the web server, open the file named 'web.config', located in the KronoDesk installation folder, in Notepad.
  2. Create a backup of the file, and store it in a location other than that folder.
  3. Look for a part of the file that looks like:
    <!-- Reports Permissions-->
    <location path="Reports.aspx" allowOverride="true">
    <allow roles="role_manager,role_administrator" />
    <deny users="*" />
  4. Paste the following text into place above the section in #2:
    <location path="Account/UserAvatar.ashx" allowOverride="true">
    <allow users="*" />
  5. Save the file.
  6. Restart IIS and the Application Pool serving your application.

After completing these steps, guest users should be able to view avatars.