Step 1
In your test framework open Npm Console via main menu `Tools > Npm Console`. In the opened CMD window run the following commands:
npm install sharp
npm install jsqr
npm install otplib
After running the commands make sure that the framework root folder contains file `package.json`. It should have the following contents (package versions may be different):
"dependencies": {
"jsqr": "^1.4.0",
"otplib": "^12.0.1",
"sharp": "^0.33.4"
Step 2
Place the following functions to `Common.js`.
// Install NPM modules if missing
function InstallModules()
var scriptFolder = Global.GetFullPath('');
if (!File.FolderExists(scriptFolder+'\\node_modules'))
var npmCmd = g_helper.ResolvePath("InstrumentJS/npm.cmd");
var result = g_util.Run('"' + npmCmd + '"' + " install", scriptFolder);
// Get current one-time password
function GetOTP()
const deasync = require("deasync");
const { URL } = require('url');
const sharp = require("sharp");
const jsQR = require("jsqr");
const { authenticator } = require("otplib");
const imagePath = 'qr.png';
var done = false;
var data;
var info;
async function loadImageData(path)
({data, info} = await sharp(imagePath)
.toBuffer({resolveWithObject: true}));
done = true;
return {data, info};
deasync.loopWhile(function(){return !done;});
const code = jsQR(new Uint8ClampedArray(data.buffer), info.width, info.height);
const parsedUrl = new URL(;
const secret = parsedUrl.searchParams.get("secret");
const token = authenticator.generate(secret);
return token;
GetOTP function assumes that the `qr.png` file with the OTP qr-code is in the root folder of the framework. If you know the secret you may simplify the function and load it from a text file.
Step 3
Create RVL-based OTP module with GetCode action. It should use the functions from `Common.js` like shown below.

Step 4
Generate one-time password in your test case.