Automation filename contents for SoapUI integration

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Now I can edit the filename field, please can I get more information on filling it out for SoapUI?

When I enter the path to the project, I get a plugin engine error with the following exception, telling me the engine cannot find the project:

The provided project filepath 'H:\SpiraTeam\Integration\svn\internal\tools\SoapUI\trunk\API_V4\PaymentServerGatewayTesting' does not exist on the host!

Stack Trace:
   at Inflectra.RemoteLaunch.Engines.soapUI.SoapUIEngine.StartExecution(AutomatedTestRun automatedTestRun)
   at Inflectra.RemoteLaunch.Business.RunTestThread.Execute()

If I specify the project path, including the filename (settings.xml), then the engine.StartExecution passes, but the SoapUI testrunner cannot find the TestSuite within the project. Output is as follows:

soapUI Pro 4.0.0 TestCase Runner
Configuring log4j from [C:\Program Files (x86)\eviware\soapUI-Pro-4.0.0\bin\soapui-log4j.xml]
14:36:42,632 INFO  [SoapUI] Adding [C:\Program Files (x86)\eviware\soapUI-Pro-4.0.0\bin\ext\postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc3.jar] to extensions classpath
14:36:42,632 INFO  [SoapUI] Adding [C:\Program Files (x86)\eviware\soapUI-Pro-4.0.0\bin\ext\postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc4.jar] to extensions classpath
14:36:42,632 INFO  [SoapUI] Adding [C:\Program Files (x86)\eviware\soapUI-Pro-4.0.0\bin\ext\sqljdbc.jar] to extensions classpath
14:36:42,633 INFO  [DefaultSoapUICore] Creating new settings at [C:\Users\cstott\soapui-settings.xml]
14:36:43,400 INFO  [SoapUIProGroovyScriptEngineFactory] Setting Script Library to [C:\Program Files (x86)\eviware\soapUI-Pro-4.0.0\bin\scripts]
14:36:43,401 INFO  [DefaultSoapUICore] Adding listeners from [C:\Program Files (x86)\eviware\soapUI-Pro-4.0.0\bin\listeners\demo-listeners.xml]
14:36:43,943 INFO  [WsdlProject] Loaded project from [file:/H:/SpiraTeam/Integration/svn/internal/tools/SoapUI/trunk/API_V4/PaymentServerGatewayTesting/settings.xml]
14:36:44,063 INFO  [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] Running soapUI tests in project [Payment Server Gateway Testing V4]
14:36:44,063 ERROR [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] java.lang.Exception: TestSuite with name [DirectAPI] is missing in Project [Payment Server Gateway Testing V4]
14:36:44,063 ERROR [SoapUI] An error occured [TestSuite with name [DirectAPI] is missing in Project [Payment Server Gateway Testing V4]], see error log for details

The project does contain the test suite specified.  I can run the testrunner.bat with exactly the same parameters as passed by soapui engine, but removing the \settings.xml from the project path.

I added some echo commands to testrunner.bat, so I can see what parameters it gets invoked with.

The following command works (correctly runs the testcases):
testrunner -s"DirectAPI" -c"Check Gateway request" -Ppctarget= -Ppcsite=DirectAPI H:\SpiraTeam\Integration\svn\internal\tools\SoapUI\trunk\API_V4\PaymentServerGatewayTesting

The following command does not work (cannot find the test suite in the project):
testrunner -s"DirectAPI" -c"Check Gateway request" -Ppctarget= -Ppcsite=DirectAPI H:\SpiraTeam\Integration\svn\internal\tools\SoapUI\trunk\API_V4\PaymentServerGatewayTesting\settings.xml

It is clear that testrunner only wants the path, not including the settings.xml file.

However, when I enter only the path in the filename field, I get the StartExecution exception.

Any help/suggestion would be appreciated..
6 Replies
Thursday, December 15, 2011
re: cstott Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Ok, I think the problem here was due to 'Composite Projects' setting.  When I set the value to 'false' in the project properties, and saved the project again, testrunner was able to find the TestSuite using the parameters provided by RemoteLaunch.

It would be useful is RemoteLaunch can support project folders (composite projects), as they allow better admin in a large project with many integrators/developers/testers.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
re: cstott Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Thanks for passing along the suggestion, we have logged it as an enhancement request
Thursday, December 15, 2011
re: inflectra.david Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thanks for the response, but might I suggest it be logged as a bug of some sort.

I would suggest at least a documentation change to inform users that Composite Folders are not supported, as it took me most of a day to diagnose the problem.

As SoapUI recommend their use, especially in commercial environments with several engineers working in a team, it is now seems to be a failing of SpiraTest/Team not to support their use, unless it is only intended as a tool for small scale developments.

Kind Regards,

Monday, December 19, 2011
re: cstott Thursday, December 15, 2011
I would agree that it's a limitation then, and have escalated it accordingly. We're in the process of releasing v3.2 of SpiraTeam, once that's out the way we'll look into adding support for composite folders.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
re: inflectra.david Monday, December 19, 2011

Thanks for the response, and escalation.

Looking forward to 3.2 and beyond.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016
re: cstott Tuesday, December 20, 2011
For those reading this,

We recently released an updated plugin for SoapUI and RemoteLaunch v4.0 that handles Composite Folders.

Spira Helps You Deliver Quality Software, Faster and With Lower Risk

And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885


  • Started: Wednesday, December 14, 2011
  • Last Reply: Wednesday, November 2, 2016
  • Replies: 6
  • Views: 18212