Agile projects need enhancement in SpiraTest

Thursday, September 21, 2017


We're swiftly moving towards doing agile projects all the time.
This presents  a number of problems with SpiraTest. There is no accomodation af the requirement-artefacts used in Agile processes - even the requirement type User Story doesn't have a field for accept criteria.

Likewise, the test case or test step should hold the accept criteria.

And the automatic creation of test cases from tab 'Test Case coverage' in Requirement should map the accept criteria from the user story to the new test case or the 'expected result' in the first test step.

What do others do?



Lene Bergqvist,

Tryg insurance, Denmark

1 Replies
Thursday, September 21, 2017
re: Tryg Thursday, September 21, 2017

Hi Lene

For Agile projects you may want to consider upgrading to SpiraTeam (vs. SpiraTest), it has support for Tasks (used in Scrum) and has lots of agile planning board views which will feel more natural (vs. the requirements hierarchy view that is the only view available in SpiraTest).

For the user stories, we recommend that the story requirement type is used for the user story definition. The acceptance criteria would be the Description field of the test case (that is linked to the requirement). That is why we have the option to create a new test case from the requirement.



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  • Started: Thursday, September 21, 2017
  • Last Reply: Thursday, September 21, 2017
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 5907