Jira & SpiraTeam Data Mapping - Permission Error

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


My team is currently looking to properly set up the JiraDataSync plugin between SpiraTeam and Jira in order to synchronize our products and incidents with both services.

We currently have an active Jira Cloud subscription, and the synchronization between Jira and SpiraTeam was working in the past (up until around late 2022) for our various products/project pages. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case, and we have been trying to troubleshoot the root cause of the issue to no avail. To troubleshoot this, we have tried things such as:

- looking through existing forums

- reaching out to Inflectra customer support (they have said it may be an issue on Atlassian's side and have not offered much assistance to help troubleshoot)

- adjusting product mapping keys to match the related project in Jira

- adjusting user-level Jira IDs / JiraDataSync IDs within SpiraTeam (to ensure the user in SpiraTeam is linking back to the correct Jira user)

- adjusting the actual user used to set up the JiraDataSync plugin

The most progress we have made has been by re-enabling the service using the credentials of an admin-level user who seemingly has full access to the products/project pages in question. On the surface, it seems as if the synchronization is successful between the two services. However, once a SpiraTeam product is enabled (with its key matching the corresponding project in JIRA), we are met with an error (attached) that seems as if the user used to set up the service does not meet these permissions, despite seemingly being an admin with full control over the project in question. 

At this point, my team is stuck trying to figure out what the root cause of this issue might be. We have tried confirming the user used to set up the sync has the proper permissions to facilitate the synchronization, but the error received does not seem to offer much as to how to troubleshoot this or which Jira or SpiraTeam settings might need to be adjusted. 

Any recommendations as to how to go about fixing this issue would be greatly appreciated!


1 Replies
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
re: HEllison Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Please reach out to our customer support, we are happy to support you with your questions. I checked and I didn't see any tickets in your name (but maybe there were other team members who logged them).

That specific error means that the user connecting to Jira does not have access to the specific project in Jira (in this case project CAR).



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  • Started: Wednesday, June 5, 2024
  • Last Reply: Monday, September 9, 2024
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 655