Spira Team Execution Status is updaed as Failed even the Test Passes

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Hello all,

Background: We are using Command line engine as Automation engine in Remote Launch to run Cucumber Test Scripts.

The problem is even after successful test case execution, for some cases the Execution Status in the SpiraTeam is updated to "Failed" Status, instead of "Pass".

Whereas the Test Results show output results as success for the same test case.

This is happening for a particular type of Test Cases which are meant to test Screen Validations/Error Messages.

How to solve this problem?

1 Replies
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
re: Riddhi Tuesday, February 12, 2013
We got the solution for this. Just wanted to share it here.

The Execution Status(for Command Line Automation) is decided as:

Passed – If automated test ran successfully and the results output to the console did not include any of the phrases – FAIL, ERROR, FATAL, WARNING, CAUTION
Failed – If automated test ran successfully, but one of the phrases – FAIL, ERROR, FATAL – was included in the console output
Caution – If automated test ran successfully, but one of the phrases – WARNING, CAUTION – was included in the console output
Blocked – The automated test did not run successfully

So, if the NAME of the Test Case contains any of the reserved phrases like "ERROR" or "FATAL" or "WARNING" or "FAIL" or "CAUTION" then the execution status is updated to FAILED even when the test had passed.

In ours case, test case name was containing "error" phrase which lead to the mentioned issue.

To conclude, the following phrases MUST NOT be used in the test case name:

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  • Started: Tuesday, February 12, 2013
  • Last Reply: Wednesday, February 13, 2013
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 2443