Using RSS Feeds

Thursday, February 28, 2013
Can you explain how the RSS Feeds in SpiraTeam work?
2 Replies
Thursday, February 28, 2013
re: motionpointqa Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hi Ralph

They allow someone to view the items in the widget in a RSS newsreader. Are you familiar with RSS feeds in general? If not, take a look at:



Thursday, February 28, 2013
re: inflectra.david Thursday, February 28, 2013
I am familiar with the RSS Reader. In that case, is it possible to get the RSS Feed for a user to display in the RSS Reader located in Outlook? If so, what would be the URL to make that happen?

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  • Started: Thursday, February 28, 2013
  • Last Reply: Thursday, February 28, 2013
  • Replies: 2
  • Views: 6921