IE 11 Login Issue

Monday, August 11, 2014

I'm currently evaluating SpiraTest together with a group of users to determine if it will work for our organisation - a large retailer. We're having issues logging into SpiraTest using Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7. All other browsers seem to work perfectly, however, when using IE 11, it seems to jump right back to the Login page without even showing an error, it's like it refreshes itself rather than doing a page submit. We initially thought that it was a compatibility view issue because all of our local domain websites are set to compatibility view, so we excluded the SpiraTest website and it's still an issue.

Has anyone else experienced this? I tried searching the Knowledge Base and the forums and no one seems to have experienced this, so I am hoping there is something that we would just need to configure to get this to work.


PS. I know that the ideal solution would be to just tell people to stop using IE - but we have many business users who are quite content with using this browser, so that is not an option.

3 Replies
Monday, August 11, 2014
re: ravindren Monday, August 11, 2014

Hi Ravi

Could you please log a help desk ticket as SpiraTeam definitely works with IE11 and we use it heavily internally,.

So it is most likely something specific to your environment and we'd like to help you resolve it.



Wednesday, July 1, 2015
re: inflectra.david Monday, August 11, 2014

Was this issue ever resolved? I am having the same problem. I log into SpiraTeam in IE 11 on Windows 7, and as soon as I click on a link in SpiraTeam, it knocks me back to the login screen or I get this:

Thursday, July 2, 2015
re: klarson Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Hi Karl,

Here are the things we told Ravi to check: (We don't know the outcome of how/if it was solved.)
  1. Check to see if any plugins are affecting page loads.
  2. Check the main login URL - it should read http://<server>/<path>/Login.aspx . If it has a "returnUrl" variable path, the return URL path should NOT point to the Login page. (For a test, try removing the returnURL parameter in the URL.)
  3. Check that the user is clicking 'Login', and not hitting 'Enter' to log on. (Hitting Enter *should* work, but this will verify that that's not what is causing the issue.)
SpiraTeam definitely does work with IE 11 on Windows 7. There must be something specific in your environment that's causing this problem. If you are still having trouble, please log a Help Desk ticket.


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  • Started: Monday, August 11, 2014
  • Last Reply: Thursday, July 2, 2015
  • Replies: 3
  • Views: 4468