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>>> The warning box causes the item to deselect (that's the reason), but we decided to leave it that way to prevent accidental deletes
You have the confirmation popup to prevent accidental deletes, so this is not a valid reason to reject/delay a fix. Please bump up the priority!
we run SpiraTeam v4.2.0.8.
In „Testing > Test cases > Test case details“ view, right-click on a test step
Expected: check box is checked, context menu is displayed
Actual: ditto
In context menu, select „Open item“
Expected: Selected test step is opened in „Test step details“ view
In context menu, select „Delete“
Expected: Deletion confirmation popup
Confirm deletion
Expected: Selected test step is deleted
Actual: popup which says „You need to select at least ONE checkbox for the Delete command!“
And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885