Nested Releases - Test results roll up

Friday, March 18, 2016

I have configured following hierarchy in Releeses tab:

-> subRelease 
---> Iteration

When I execute one testcase = create test run for the Iteration, I'm not able to populate the test results up to root parent which is Release. E.g. in Testcases tab I see just following overview

Release NOT RUN
-> subRelease FAULT
---> Iteration FAULT

I was wondering why the overall result of release is "NOT RUN"?. I have made sure the testcase are mapped to both releases and iteration.

In Spiratest forum, I have found out this related thread, with such statement:

> 31. Octobber  2011
> Currently the test results will only roll-up from Sprint to Parent Release. They don't roll-up from sub-release to parent release. This was originally by design because releases were considered separate from a test results perspective. However based on feedback from customers > we're planning on making this configurable.

Is there an already solution for this issue? I'm facing a consideration of designing/mapping of our Release/Iteration/Build hierarchy to allow scalable test result filter. I would probably don't use subRelease if there is such roll up limitation. I would not make sense

Than you,
3 Replies
Friday, March 18, 2016
re: josef.vopicka Friday, March 18, 2016
Hi Josef

If you look at our recent blog entry on SpiraTest v5.0 - Releases that Roll Up, you will see  that v4.2 doesn't have support for the Release > Sub-Release > Iteration reporting that you are looking for, but that it is part of our v5.0 release coming up.

Monday, March 21, 2016
re: inflectra.sarahx Friday, March 18, 2016

Hi Sarah,

Thank you for your quick and kind answer. It is nice to hear that heal is upcoming.

Do you have a rough expectation when the version 5 comes out? In a month, half a year, 1 year?

In case I prepare my release structure as Release > Sub-Release > Iteration already today, will I be able to keep my work and migrate my V4.2 project to V5 in order to benefit from the Release Roll up feature?


Wednesday, July 17, 2024
re: josef.vopicka Monday, March 21, 2016

For those reading the thread, this was included in Spira v5.0 and has been in any version after that.

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  • Started: Friday, March 18, 2016
  • Last Reply: Wednesday, July 17, 2024
  • Replies: 3
  • Views: 2625