Missing some Email Notification settings

Thursday, February 16, 2017


I'm missing some settings in Email notification events setup.
Our use-case is:
1. Manual tester updates test case steps of existing automated test.
2. Notification is sent to Automation owner of that test case to update corresponding automation script.
Is that possible to achieve? 
I don't have those options (change of steps / automation owner) available when creating new notification event - available destinations are only artifact owner or creator, or specified project roles.
Is it possible to customize which fields are available in the UI? 
Or at least is a direct change on existing event in database possible?
We have SpiraTest 4.2 ATM, with the update to 5+ planned on coming month.
2 Replies
Friday, February 17, 2017
re: filipk Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hi Filip

Changing the owner of the test case itself will cause an email notification to be sent, however changing the steps on a test case does not currently cause a notification to be sent unless you add a test step, causing the the status of the test case to change to 'Not Started' which would trigger a notification event on the 'Execution Status' field. Would that work for you?



Tuesday, February 28, 2017
re: inflectra.david Friday, February 17, 2017

Hi Adam,


Thank you for quick reply. We can accommodate changing a different (status) field in the workflow quite easily.


The issue with the recipient however still stands... Triggering a change by anyone should alert the Automation  Owner who may or may not be the same user as Owner. 

Is that doable somehow? Manually emailing the test to the Automation Owner would pose too much overhead....






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  • Started: Thursday, February 16, 2017
  • Last Reply: Wednesday, March 1, 2017
  • Replies: 2
  • Views: 7512