Relation between requirement and release: a relation n/n should be available, isn't it?

Monday, July 2, 2012
I'm a new customer of your fantastic solution for 3 days but in the first configuration steps (I confess I didn't notice the point during my evaluation) , I note it's apparently not possible to link several releases to a requierement. In case we want to perform non-regression tests in grey-box, I think it's a fundamental functionality. We need to manage the fact that for two releases which live in a same time (n and n-1), the same requierements must be performed.
What do you think about that?
3 Replies
Monday, July 2, 2012
re: ogarrigues Monday, July 2, 2012

Hi Olivier

You should map the test cases that will be executed to test the requirements to both Releases (N and N+1). Unlike requirements, the test cases can be mapped to multiple releases. The mapping between a requirement and a release is used to signify which release the feature was added in. For the test case - release mapping, it's used to signify all the releases that the requirement needs to be tested in.

Does that help?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012
re: inflectra.david Monday, July 2, 2012
Thank you for your promptness. I'll do without the feature but I'm convinced you should integrate it into your RoadMap because for my point of view it's a major guideline for a test management tool:
I'm in charge of the qa for an editor, I want to create a requierement based on a customer point of view (its needs are not necessarily related to a version) which targets multiple test cases. Then if I create several new versions which will directly impact this customer...I 'would like to be able to :
-link the requierement to each version concerns in order to have the cover and the status linked
-have the ability to create a non-regression campaign neither by just selecting the version targetted nor at least selecting the list of requierements I think are requiered.

The second point is perhaps an other functionality regarding the item of this thread....but for the same target: the ability to create non-regression campaigns for "grey-box" tests based on spécifics requierements (functionals, technicals, commercials...) and the ability from the version point of view to follow the advancement.

Perhaps I'm not very clear because of my english but I'm willing to explain again my need.

Friday, July 6, 2012
re: ogarrigues Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thanks for the additional information.

Our plan is to add a "Display Data For <Release>" dropdown to the requirements list page so that you see all the requirements that need to be tested in each release. This would not filter requirements directly by their release field, but would instead use the relationship:

Requirement - Test Case - Release

That way you see which requirements need to get tested in each release (which is different to the current filter which shows which features were added in the release)

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  • Started: Monday, July 2, 2012
  • Last Reply: Friday, July 6, 2012
  • Replies: 3
  • Views: 3144