Articles Tagged 'excel'

How to extract large amount of artifacts from Spira using Excel or OData

Import/export tools (including Custom reports ) are limited on row handling, due to performance issues it may cause. To get more than 10000 rows at the time, you will need to do it in batches or filter the report in some logical way.
This article explains how to override that limitation with minimum manual efforts.

Installing the Excel Add-Ins on a machine that has a newer version of Microsoft VSTO

When you install the Spira MS-Office Add-Ins to help import data into SpiraTest, SpiraPlan or SpiraTeam from Excel, Word or MS-Project the installer will check that you have the Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) pre-requisite installed. Sometimes if you have this already installed with a newer version it will prevent the install from completing.

This article is obsolete, since there is a new version of the import/export tools available. To import data using SpiraPlan Excel Import/Export Too l/ SpiraPlan MS-Word Requirements & Test Case Import Tool it is not required any more to have Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) installed as a prerequisite.

How Do I Import From Excel 2010+ into SpiraTeam v4.x

We recently announced the release of an updated MS-Office plugin for Spira v5.0 that makes use of the new API in Spira 5.0. However some customers still need the older MS-Office 2010+ plugin for older versions of Spira (v4.x).

This article is obsolete.
Our Excel365 plugin can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store from the add-ins menu. More details about the Excel365 addin can be found here.

How to Import Data into KronoDesk from MS-Excel

This article describes the steps for importing data from an Excel spreadsheet into KronoDesk.
You can use this to import help desk tickets and notes.

Installing MS-Office Add-Ins for multiple users

Since our MS-Office 2007 Add-In for SpiraTeam uses the Microsoft VSTO technology, it's limited to being installed for a single user on a given PC.
However if you need to be able to have multiple users access it, there are some registry keys that you can manually add.

Troubleshooting the MS-Office 2003 Add-Ins

If you have installed the MS-Office Add-In for SpiraTest, SpiraPlan or SpiraTeam and the necessary prerequisites (VSTO and the Primary Interop Assemblies if using the MS-Office 2003 Add-In) but it won't display the Add-In in your instance of MS-Excel, MS-Word or MS-Project, follow these instructions to help us troubleshoot.

Exporting all incidents out of the system into Excel

Several users have asked - if it is possible to extract all incidents logged in a SpiraTest server no matter what the project is.
Using the built-in Incident reports or Excel Add-In, you have to extract incidents for each project and then move into one spreadsheet however they wanted to know if it was possible to do this as one extract from within the tool.

Data-driven testing with spreadsheets and RVL

Many test automation scenarios require performing same steps with different data. For example, login into application with different user credentials, or enter several lines of a sales order into a table. This is data-driven testing. From this article you will learn how to do this in Rapise Visual Language (RVL) and JavaScript modes.  You will also learn how to define data within a test and in external spreadsheet.

Using Rapise to extract test data from an Excel sheet

Often you want to be able to parameterize your Rapise tests to have a common set of test functions that can use different combinations of test data. You can use a MS-Excel spreadsheet to store the test data and use Rapise to read out the matching values. This articles provides a sample for doing this.

This article is obsolete. For modern ways of making data-driven tests please refer to Data-Driven Testing documentation topic.

How to use the Excel365 addin if you are not able to use the official Microsoft Office Marketplace

Our Office365 addin let's users easily and quickly send data to Spira, or get data out of Spira, across different products and artifacts. We distribute this addin from within Microsoft's Office marketplace. This gives users convenience and confidence: the addin is easy to install, and has been vetted by Microsoft's marketplace team. Some organizations do not allow users to use this marketplace. How do you use this addin in such cases? 

How to Import Data into SpiraTest/Team from MS-Excel

This article describes the steps for importing data from an Excel spreadsheet into SpiraTeam. You can use this to import requirements, test cases, tasks, incidents and releases.

SpiraTeam MS-Excel Reports Give Message when Opening

When opening the SpiraTeam MS-Excel (printable) reports in MS Excel you may get a message displayed - "The file you are trying to open 'xxx.xls' is in a different format than specified by the file extenstion". This article explains why this message appears and how to deal with it.

We Can't Load This Add-In Because We Couldn't Connect to the Catalog

If you are using our Excel 365 addin you may see the error message:


We Can't Load This Add-In Because We Couldn't Connect to the Catalog

The steps to take to resolve this are below

Writing data to an Excel spreadsheet

In this article we describe how to write data to an external Excel spreadsheet during test playback. Both RVL and JavaScript examples are given.

Resolving 'Unable to cast COM object' errors when using MS-Office Add-Ins

Sometimes when using our MS-Office Add-Ins (for Excel, Word and Project) on a new computer you will see an error message of the type:

Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Worksheet'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID ...

This article explains the cause of these types of error and provides some common solutions

How to save content of a table/grid into a spreadsheet file

If you need to make a copy of data in a Table/Grid object - you may simply save it to Excel file with a single function call.

Windows Scripting Host Crashes When Playing Back Rapise RVL Script after Windows 10 Update

Unfortunately, Windows10 has a nasty habit of frequently updating itself and then breaking existing applications. We found that the February 14th, 2018 Windows10 update corrupted the Excel device driver that Rapise uses to access the RVL test script spreadsheet during playback.

Fixing the database when you have incidents linked to values from other projects

The incidents in Spira are able to have customizable incident types, statuses, priorities and severities. This means that each project has unique IDs for the various attributes. Sometimes when you incorrectly load in data using our Excel Add-In, you can link incidents to attributes from other projects. This article describes the problem and the solution.

Fixing Security Issue that Prevents Excel Reports from Opening in Spira
The symptom is that whenever a user tries to open an Excel format report in SpiraTest, SpiraPlan or SpiraTeam, the report will download. When the user clicks on it to open, Excel opens but the area where the report should be is blank and gray. It affects all reports types in Excel format. Other formats (HTML, XML, etc.) work fine.
Error attaching to Excel spreadsheet when using Rapise 4.0 with MS-Excel 64-bit
When you are using the global Rapise Spreadsheet object on a system running the 64-bit version of MS-Office, you may get an error attaching to the spreadsheet. This article describes the cause of the issue and provides a solution and workaround.
Using Rapise to populate data in an Excel Spreadsheet
The built-in Spreadsheet object in Rapise makes it easy to read data from an MS-Excel spreadsheet. What happens if you want to write data back to the Excel sheet?