Is there a way to map the rapid boards (agile boards) in JIRA as different projects in Spira Test

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Our company uses JIRA 5.0 and we follow 2-3 week sprints . We manage all this through agile rapid boards in JIRA (Scrum).
We do not have any test management tool and are looking at different tools that would work with JIRA. I really liked Spira Test in that its very organized and with this toold our tets management would be under control.

Is there a way to map the rapid boards (agile boards) in JIRA as different projects in Spira Test. We have one big project in JIRA. But if we map to that project, we would not get any granular details (team wise details ) . Furthermore, if every sprint in JIRA on the rapid board (not a project -- so no external key) can be mapped as different projects, it would be great!

Do you support this mapping?

Payal Khimani

1 Replies
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
re: payalkhimani Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Hi Payal

Unfortunately the mapping between SpiraTest and JIRA is always one JIRA project = one SpiraTest project.

Have you considered using a single SpiraTest project and then just using different release branches?



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  • Started: Tuesday, November 13, 2012
  • Last Reply: Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 3387