Debugging in Rapise

Thursday, October 4, 2012
Have the Rapise v1.5 User Guide and tried to use the debugger in the tool but does not get it working.
How do I get the Internal Debugger to work?
I have installed Microsoft Script Debugger ,how do I use it in Rapise?
After a set breakpoint, how do I continue to run the script?
How can I see a set value of a variable?
Br Jenny Davidsson
3 Replies
Thursday, October 4, 2012
re: jennyda Thursday, October 4, 2012
Hi Jenny

Are you using the Internal Debugger or the External one?

With the internall debugger you click on the left hand margin of the test script and it will display a red circle (this is a breakpoint). Then when you change the Debugging dropdown on the main ribbon from "No Debugging" to "Run with Internal Debugger" it will stop the execution at that point and allow you to step over, step in, etc. To continue to run, click the "Run" icon in the special Debugger toolbar.

To view the values of variables, just click on the Variables or Watch tabs on the bottom of the screen.



Monday, October 8, 2012
re: inflectra.david Thursday, October 4, 2012
For internal dubugging I have installed Script Debugger for Windows as you recommend ( There it says that this version is deprecated. Which debugger do you suggest then?

To view the values of variables, how do I "click on the Variables" as you suggest? During execution?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
re: jennyda Monday, October 8, 2012

Hi Jenny

I believe you have sent in a help desk request that covers this and was resolved, if not, let us know.



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  • Started: Thursday, October 4, 2012
  • Last Reply: Wednesday, October 17, 2012
  • Replies: 3
  • Views: 6511