Unlink an incident has been linked by mistake during a test run

Friday, January 6, 2023


I have got an incident which has been linked to a test run during execution of a test case by mistake. This incident is aslo linked to some other tests cases. How can I do to unlink the incident to the test case attached by mistake taking into account that I can't erase the incident since it is alo linked to some other tests cases ?

Why do I need that ?  In my reporting, I can see that my last execution of the test case is passed but that it is linked to an incident which is not closed 

Thanks for your help



2 Replies
Friday, January 6, 2023
re: hfama78 Friday, January 6, 2023

It is not currently possible, for audit reasons.



Friday, February 17, 2023
re: hfama78 Friday, January 6, 2023

Hi hfama78,

                Here is how to remove a linked incident if it has been mistakenly added during a test Run.

I do this as having these incorrectly linked incidents provides false information about the testing results.

I am on SpiraTeam v7.0.0 but this works in previous versions of SpiraTeam.

Do this:

  1. Open the incident > Association tab > find the name of the test case that incorrectly linked it
  2. Select the Test case name – this opens the test run that incorrectly linked the incident
  3. Delete this Test run record – all results will be lost – check before deleting – save any valuable information
  4. Reopen your incident > Association tab > The Test case no longer appears
  5. Rerun the Test case

This works for both of these scenarios:

While executing a test case you link to an existing test case


While executing a test case you create a new incident - (Note: the incident remains and is NOT deleted after the test run is deleted)


I hope this helps



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  • Started: Friday, January 6, 2023
  • Last Reply: Friday, February 17, 2023
  • Replies: 2
  • Views: 502