removal of associations

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

I am currently working my way into Spiraplan for many things i found an answer.
Not for this...
Maybe i am searching wrong.
Here is the thing:
If i have an artifact and link it to some other.
Let say, i link a test case to a requirement.

Now i approve the requirement, 
i approve the test case.
The test case fails,

easies solution:
i remove the link between these two and have now a green dashboard ;)

Is there a way to avoid removal of links for items with a specific state?

Thank you

3 Replies
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
re: christofL Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Hi Chris,

No there is not currently, but that association removal is tracked in the History, so there is an audit record of that change.

We are looking into potentially adding a way to lock the association Add/Remove by status in the workflow, but it is tricky because it would need to check the status of both ends of the association.



Thursday, July 27, 2023
re: inflectra.david Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Tank you for the answer

I understand the tricky-ness.

Not without a cause, that is a challenge for many tools, that use item relations.


I could imagine some mitigations.

for us this thing hurts most at the links for testcases, as that could be used to hide bad test records.

Means, Requirement Links to tests and Tests to Steps.


1.  add a permission set to the add- remove Test Step activity. In that case, we would not need to check the state on both ends.

2. have an option to show removal of linked items directly on the overview page for requirements and Tests.

3. Maybe it would be possible to add an option to the Test-Config, that links cant be removed at all, but test steps must be set to obsolete. This could then be captured by a workflow

Thursday, July 27, 2023
re: christofL Thursday, July 27, 2023

aditional idea. 
if I assesed it right, associatons can only modified, if you have Edit permissions to an item (especially for Tests and Steps)

A very powerful action for the workflow engine would be, to change the permissions with a state change.


that could fix it.

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  • Started: Wednesday, July 26, 2023
  • Last Reply: Thursday, July 27, 2023
  • Replies: 3
  • Views: 268