Enhancement Request: Add label "Unssigned Items" above the lower section of the "Planning > Iterations" page

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
This is a minor enhancement request, but one that is especially important for people just trying to orient themselves to the SpiraTeam user interface.

On the "Planning > Iterations" page (which is more of a "Release Plans" page), please add an "Items not in a Release or Iteration" label above the page's second section.

The help center page for the page clearly states that the page has two sections and describes what is listed in the second section.  However, that is only helpful if a user actually reads the help center page.  A label on the page itself will be great for people trying to orient themselves to the user interface.

I'm not sure if "Items not in a Release or Iteration" is the best label.  "Unscheduled Items" would be more concise and would seem appropriate because the help center page says that the second section contains items that "need to be scheduled for a specific iteration".  However, I think "Items not in a Release or Iteration" is better than "Unscheduled Items" because an item (or at least a Task item) can have a scheduled start date without being related to a release or iteration.  
1 Replies
Friday, September 12, 2014
re: jfreed Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Hi Jon

Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it.

We have changed the Planning > Iterations and Planning > Planning Board screens in the v4.2 release coming out soon. They have been consolidated into a single Planning > Planning Board screen (since we agree that the naming 'Iterations' was confusing).

The new page looks more like the Planning Board but it has the ability to view smaller story cards (like in the Iterations screen) and it has a more intuitive layout with better labels.


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  • Started: Wednesday, September 10, 2014
  • Last Reply: Friday, September 12, 2014
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 5571