Assign test cases within a test set for execution

Friday, July 29, 2016

I have some testers that have created a Test Set containing ~40 test cases or so. They've executed the test set to begin the process, but they want to only have certain test cases within the test set accessible to certain users. We've tried setting the owner for the test case within the test set overview to that user and see if it will allow them to resume the test set on that test case, but the resume option isn't showing up for the tester on their home page. Is there a way that we can do this? 

A quick example:
 Test Case Name  Owner  Status
 Test Case 1    Passed
 Test Case 2    Failed
 Test Case 3    Passed
 Test Case 4  Tester  Not Run

In this example Test Case is set to Tester, but they can't resume the Test Set that has already been 
5 Replies
Monday, August 1, 2016
re: East Friday, July 29, 2016

It sounds like the way you have it set up, once someone starts executing the test set, then it should appear on "My Pending Test Runs" for each tester who has been assigned to a test case within the test set. You're saying that it's not working that way for you? Can you please provide more details?

Thursday, August 4, 2016
re: inflectra.kat Monday, August 1, 2016
Correct. The project has multiple users. One user starts the execution of the test set and begins performing test steps within some of the test cases. Then that user wants to set another user as owner for a test case so that they have permission to work on the test steps within the test case. But after the first user set the second user as owner, the second user doesn't see the test case/set show up in their pending to resume on their home page. What's the correct way to get individual users ownership of test cases within an executed test set so that only that user that has ownership can perform the test case?
Thursday, August 4, 2016
re: East Thursday, August 4, 2016
Thanks for the additional information! You're right - once a test set is in the process of being executed, you can't reassign the owner. But you can set it up beforehand to be run by multiple testers.

On the test set detail page, scroll down to the list of test cases. In this section, edit each row (test case) and set its owner to the proper tester. Up at the top of the screen, assign the entire test set to the person who owns the first test case. Then that person will see the test set under "My Assigned Test Sets". That person can start the execution from there. Once they've started it, then all of the testers will see the test set under "My Pending Test Runs". When each person resumes that test run, they'll see all of the test cases and steps, but they will only be permitted to edit the ones they own.

I hope that clarifies it. Let me know if you have additional questions.

Friday, August 5, 2016
re: inflectra.kat Thursday, August 4, 2016
Thank you for the clarification. So all the test cases in a test set were assigned owners, lets say test cases 1-3 (from my original post) were assigned to Tester_1 and test case 4 was assigned to Tester_2.The test set has been executed. Some work has been performed on the test. Is there any way to reassign test case 1 to Tester_2 so that they can begin working on that test case for this test set's test run?
Friday, August 5, 2016
re: East Friday, August 5, 2016
Once a test set is in the process of being executed, you can't change the owners. You need to set it up before you start running it.


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  • Started: Friday, July 29, 2016
  • Last Reply: Tuesday, March 14, 2017
  • Replies: 5
  • Views: 9050