Resuming a test set always begin at the very first test case.

Thursday, June 23, 2011
Assuming that I have a hundred test cases #1 to 100 in a test set.
    I have completed by # 50 and moved out from the test run page.
    Now I want to resume the test run from where I stopped at (#51) but Spira always begin test run at the first case.
    Do I have to run the half of test cases that have been already completed again? or do i have to select 50 remaining test cases from the test set page by clicking 50 times?
    I have already reported several problems and it is like I am testing SpiraTest for inflectra.
    Please fix this issue ASAP!
3 Replies
Friday, June 24, 2011
re: lwb74 Thursday, June 23, 2011
This one solved. According the comments from inflecra support we can resume test where we stopped at by using 'resume' menu from My Pending Test Run at My Page.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
re: kimyb Thursday, June 23, 2011
Young Kim
This one solved. According the comments from inflecra support we can resume test where we stopped at by using 'resume' menu from My Pending Test Run at My Page.

 This is not solved. I tried everything in Spiratest to find My Pending Test Run. This is very important can it be fixed I need to continue with my test cases

Tuesday, February 9, 2016
re: Blazer Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The "My Pending Test Runs" widget appears on your "My Page". If you don't see it there, then you can add it by clicking on "Add Items" near the top of the page. Then select it from the list.

If you are still having trouble, please log a Help Desk ticket, so we can research it in detail. Please be sure to include the SpiraTest version number and a complete screenshot of your "My Page".


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  • Started: Thursday, June 23, 2011
  • Last Reply: Tuesday, February 9, 2016
  • Replies: 3
  • Views: 3964