The following threads have been tagged with 'Java'

7 Threads
Calling webpage custom JavaScript functions
Hello, Is it possible to call custom JavaScript functions that are present on a webpage. Fo...
1 posts
Accessing Spira test using rest web services in java
Hi All, I am new to Spira test and its API. Can anyone help me with a sample java code which auth...
2 posts
CTRL+click - jump to method declaration
Is there a way to jump to method declaration, something like CTRL+click in Rapise? Since we mainly...
1 posts
Step by Step guide to Integrate Selenium WebDriver with Spira
Hi Team, Please do provide step by step guide to integrate Selenium with Spira? We are using Selen...
SeSReportText doesn't put the text into report in Android, Java
Hello, I wanted to put some text into my report, but SeSReportText doesnt seem to put anything int...
1 posts
Rapise Android Java Problems Checking the Screen
Hello, as mentioned in another thread Im testing a long-running Android Application. The Applicati...
1 posts
Rapise on Android with Appium timeout issue?
Hello, I am running a long running test on an android device. It takes a long time because our an...