Articles Tagged 'android'

Android Testing Hints (April 2024 version)

Most complex part in Mobile testing is connecting to a simulator or device. In this article we describe steps necessary to configure the testing environment.

Note: In brackets we specify versions of software components we used at the time of writing this article.

How to switch between applications in a Mobile test

Sometimes mobile testing scenarios involve interactions with built-in applications installed on a device. For example you may need to open Messages, locate SMS with a one-time code and use it in your application.

Using Rapise Mobile with Browserstack

BrowserStack supports automated browser testing via Selenium and Appium on real iOS and Android devices.  Learn how to configure Rapise to connect to Browserstack via Appium.

Testing Adobe AIR Applications on Mobile Devices

We have had a couple of questions about whether Rapise can test Adobe AIR based applications running on mobile devices using platforms such as Android. This article provides some background and also describes the support Rapise has.


[We have depreciated support for testing Adobe Flex/Flash applications in Rapise 5.0 and later, so this article is provided for use by existing customers]

How to run cross-browser and mobile tests on Sauce Labs?

Sauce Labs allows users to run tests in the cloud on different combinations of browser and OS versions as well as mobile devices and emulators. Learn how to configure Selenium and Mobile profiles in Rapise to enable connection to Sauce Labs services.

Requires Rapise 5.3+

How to use specific version of Chromedriver with Appium

In Mobile Spy of Rapise when switching from NATIVE_APP to WEBVIEW context you may see an error message:

Chrome version must be >= 55.0.2883.0

From this article you will learn how to fix this.

Android Testing Hints

Most complex part in Mobile testing is connecting to a simulator or device. In this article we describe steps necessary to configure the testing environment.

Note: In brackets we specify versions of software components we used at the time of writing this article.

How to run cross-browser tests on BrowserStack

BrowserStack enables testing of your website for cross browser compatibility on real browsers. Instant access to multiple desktop and mobile browsers.  Learn how to configure Selenium  profiles in Rapise to enable connection to BrowserStack services.

Requires Rapise 5.3+

How to press special keys on Android keyboard

To enter characters one may use AndroidObject.DoSendKeys, but sometimes you need to send special characters like ENTER. Learn how from this article.

Using Rapise Mobile with a Cloud Device Farm

Rapise connects to mobile devices (iOS and Android) using the standard Appium mobile device testing API (similar to Selenium WebDriver for web browsers). This articles describes how you can use Rapise to connect to a mobile device farm using the Appium mobile device profiles inside Rapise. We use Kobiton as an example.

How to specify Selenium or Appium capabilities which are not available through Rapise UI?

From this article you will learn how to pass additional parameters to Selenium or Appium target, even if they can not be specified in a profile.  This recipe can be also used to override parameters of a profile right from a test code.

Requires Rapise 5.3+

How to configure Mobile Profile to automatically grant Android application permissions on install

When Appium installs an application at the beginning of a test session - Android may ask for permissions (e.g. access to media files, camera, etc.). Until such prompt is dismissed - Main activity is not launched. It prevents the test from proceeding.  Learn how to configure the Mobile Profile to automatically grant required permissions on install.

How to run a cross-browser test on a mobile device?

Let's assume you have a cross-browser test which was created on desktop and can be successfully executed on any desktop browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari). You want to execute this test on your mobile devices or emulators. Learn how from this article.

Requires Rapise 5.3+

How to upgrade Chrome browser on Android emulator

Appium requires certain version of Chrome to work with. Even Android 7.0 is shipped with Chrome 51 and this is too old version. From this article you will learn how to upgrade Chrome on your Android emulator.