Articles Tagged 'docs'

Rapise 8.0: how to use Rapise with Git and Spira

If your team has only one or two test automation engineers, the best option for storing files of a testing framework is within SpiraTest. This approach is straightforward to implement and does not require specific configuration of test sets. However, if your testing framework is expected to grow significantly and you have multiple automation engineers, it is recommended to incorporate Git into your set of tools. Using Git offers several important benefits:

Improved file loading speed: By integrating Git with RapiseLauncher, the process of loading files from a repository is significantly faster. This can save valuable time, especially when dealing with larger frameworks or complex test suites.

Comprehensive source control features: Git provides a wide range of source control capabilities, including branching and merging. These features are essential for managing changes and collaborating effectively when multiple team members are working on the same codebase. It allows for better organization, tracking, and merging of code changes, ensuring a streamlined development process.

Enhanced teamwork: Git simplifies collaboration in a team environment. It allows team members to work on different branches or even different features concurrently, while providing mechanisms to merge and synchronize their work seamlessly. This enables better coordination and reduces the risk of conflicts when integrating changes made by multiple developers.

By incorporating Git into your testing workflow, you can optimize file loading speed, leverage powerful source control features, and foster a more efficient and collaborative team environment.

Rapise 8.0: how to use Page Objects/Modules

When writing automated tests, it is often necessary to create shared modules that can be used by multiple test cases. These modules serve various purposes, such as handling authentication for applications with a login page, performing necessary actions after test case completion, or working with custom controls within the application, such as dropdown menus, form fields, or grid/table controls.

In Rapise 8.0, you have the ability to address all these requirements. Rapise supports two types of modules: RVL (Rapise Visual Language) and JavaScript-based modules. These modules provide a flexible and powerful approach to handle common functionalities across your test cases.

By using RVL modules, you can visually create reusable components that encapsulate specific actions or sequences of steps. For example, you can create an RVL module that handles the authentication process by entering credentials and clicking the login button. This module can then be easily reused across multiple test cases that require login functionality.

Alternatively, you can leverage JavaScript-based modules in Rapise 8.0. JavaScript is a versatile programming language that allows you to create custom functions and logic to handle complex scenarios. With JavaScript-based modules, you can implement specific interactions with custom controls or perform actions that are not easily achievable through the visual interface of Rapise.

Both RVL and JavaScript-based modules in Rapise provide a seamless way to organize and reuse common functionalities within your automated tests. They help improve maintainability, reduce duplication of code, and enhance overall test efficiency.

Rapise 8.0: using multiselect and datacolumn parameters for comprehensive testing

The true strength of test automation lies in its capability to execute the same test cases with varying input parameters. In Rapise 8.0, you can achieve this by utilizing multiselect and datacolumn parameters. Let's now explore a specific example to illustrate this concept.

Rapise 8.0: development flow for Test Automation Framework in Team Mode

When working as part of a team of automation engineers, the principles mentioned in the Single User Mode still apply. However, there are additional considerations to keep in mind, particularly when using a SpiraTest-based file repository.

Rapise 8.0: development flow for Test Automation Framework in Single User Mode

If you are the sole automation engineer working on test creation with Rapise, it is recommended to follow these basic principles when developing a test automation framework. These guidelines specifically apply to the new Framework mode introduced in Rapise 8.0.

Rapise 8.0: how to make a copy of a test automation framework

There are various situations where duplicating a test automation framework and linking it with another product in SpiraTest becomes necessary. For instance, you may want to create a copy to test the next major version of your application or start fresh with a clean product in SpiraTest. Another common scenario is when you need to transfer the test repository from SpiraTest to Git.

Rapise 8.0: how to define and use test set configurations

Rapise 8.0 provides the simplified way of parameterizing test sets . With the ability to define parameters and create configurations, managing different test scenarios has never been easier. Each configuration automatically includes all the defined parameters, but you can override specific parameter values as needed. If a configuration does not explicitly assign a parameter value, the default value is utilized during test set execution.

Rapise 8.0: what are the benefits of using the new Framework mode?

The Framework mode was introduced in Rapise 8.0 to simplify test case and test set management, as well as the management of parameters, page objects/modules, object repositories, and shared code. The legacy Single Test mode required dealing with Sub-Tests and linking tests to SpiraTest on a per test case basis, whereas in the Framework mode, there is a single button labeled Sync with Spira that handles everything. When this button is pressed, test cases and test sets are automatically synchronized with SpiraTest, and files are uploaded/downloaded.

In the Framework mode, team collaboration is streamlined because changes made by team members are automatically merged. In addition, it is possible to view diffs and resolve conflicts in complex cases.

Rapise 8.0: how to run test cases on different browsers

In this article, we will demonstrate how to configure multi-browser execution of test cases in Rapise to ensure compatibility of a web application across major web browsers. This method is specifically designed for the Framework mode, which was introduced in Rapise 8.0.

Rapise 8.0: recommended way of executing code before and after each test case

Rapise 8.0 has introduced a new  feature called the Framework mode.  In  this mode a new framework is created with the Common.js file which contains event handlers such as SeSOnTestInit and SeSOnTestFinish that get executed for every test case.

Rapise 8.0: how to define and use parameters in test cases

In test automation projects, it is often necessary to parameterize test cases for various purposes. For instance, this could involve specifying different URLs for running tests in different environments (development, staging, production), or providing user credentials for logging into the system. Additionally, there might be a need to quickly modify playback speed, error handling, and screenshot settings for multiple test cases. In the Rapise 8.0 Framework mode, managing parameters is made simple and convenient, allowing easy creation and management of parameters, including the ability to run the same test case with different input data, such as filling a form with various values to create multiple records in a system database.