What is the best out-of-the-box way of grouping test cases together for multiple test runs (aka cycl...
Hi, I have a problem with the estimated duration during test sets. In the test set details the ...
Hi. I send you a couple of wishes that have originated from many hours work in SpiraTeam. Ther...
Is there any way we could get a widget for test sets on the Project Summary Dashboard to display t...
While trying to execute the Test Case under Test Set, i see the status (as passed / failed). ...
Why is it that inactivated test cases are not bypassed when executing a test set? One of my c...
2 posts
February 23, 2016
Hi everyone, We use SpiraTest to execute test cycles. For that we run test cases from test sets. ...
I have some testers that have created a Test Set containing ~40 test cases or so. They'...
Hi all,
We regularly have to print out our test cases into a word document. We usually hav...
4 posts
November 17, 2016
Hi, I have a challenge relating to mappings between artefacts being lost when moving acro...
Hi, i am unable to create a test set in rapise. An error is occured i.e "Violation of foreig...
After finishing a Testset with the tests resulting in "passed" the test case performer and the tes...
Is it possible to find and remove unfinished Testsets as administrator? Testsets were started, bu...
hi Admin and all I have small concern that really needs your help. When
working on the Test set...
Hi, We have an extensive array of folders and subfolders for test cases covering different parts of...
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