Partner: Phenologix


Canada | United States Blue


Phenologix assists software development companies in different parts of the world including but not limited to the US, Canada and Europe.
Our software development services are best put to use when an organization is facing a large project but of short duration as it can limit the number of new employees and administrative support personnel you must take on. At Phenologix, we are caretakers of the client’s intellectual property, proprietary software and new development specifications. Clients retain full ownership of all intellectual property rights and software source code at the end of any project. We are your software development partners and are fully focused on getting your project done Quickly, Efficiently and Effectively.

Contact Information

POC Atif Qureshi


Become a Solution Partner

A Solution Partner is an Inflectra affiliate, reseller, consultant, and/or trainer who provides and implements customer solutions with Inflectra products. We offer Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum tiers so that Solution Partners can choose the level of engagement at which they wish to participate.

There are many benefits to joining our Partner Program! Partnering with us offers access to a broader range of expertise for your business, increases your revenue, creates strategic connections and more business opportunities, and provides moral & technical support. These are only to name a few.

Start the conversation with us by registering online and a member of our partnerships team will reach out to you.