Archive for December 2015

The Value of Continuity - Or Why We Develop In-House

December 31st, 2015

Like most software companies, every day we get several emails from various IT service companies offering us low-cost developers and testers to help us with the development and testing of our products. Every day we put these emails in the trash folder. So why have we always built our products in-house? Are we foolish? Are we myopic?

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Source Code Hosting Now Available for Free for SpiraPlan & SpiraTeam Customers

December 7th, 2015

As you know, we recently released our new TaraVault source code hosting service. This allows you to store you source code securely hosted by Inflectra and fully integrated into your Spira service. You can browse the source code files inside Spira, link revisions, track feature requests and much more. New customers trying our Spira can add TaraVault to their instances during the sign-up process.

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