Recap: Building Quality Pipelines With SpiraPlan

February 10th, 2021 by inflectra

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On February 4, 2021, Coveros and Inflectra co-hosted a virtual meetup where the representatives of the two companies discussed various aspects of how to deliver quality through a DevSecOps pipeline. The event used Inflectra's enterprise-grade portfolio management platform - SpiraPlan to demonstrate the above. 

We hope you had a chance to join this fun event, which took place in a bespoke virtual environment! If you missed it, however, here is a full recap of the event! 


The discussion focused on the following topics:

  • ​Quality through End-to-end Traceability: How SpiraPlan Enables Progress Tracking and Visualization through Dashboards - Adam Sandman, Inflectra

  • Quality Gates: Forcing Functions to Bake Quality In - Jeffery Payne, Coveros

  • Delivering Quality Through Your DevSecOps Pipeline Using SpiraPlan - Hugo Sanchez, Coveros

Video Recording:

Please enjoy the recording of this event on youtube. 

Meetup Presentation: 

We have put together this presentation to guide your learning.


Meet the Speakers: 

Adam Sandman has been working in the IT industry for the past 20 years. His areas of expertise span from software architecture to agile development, 

Currently, Adam is the CEO of Inflectra. Adam is a prolific speaker, whose speaking engagements include STPcon 2018 and 2019, DevGeekWeek Israel 2017 & 2018, to Swiss Testing Day 2019, NDIA/Agile In Government Summit 2019, and StarCanada in 2019.

Hugo Sanchez is a Managing Consultant with Coveros, Inc. Hugo has over 20 years of software development, software assurance, project management, and product management experience with a wide range of software products and applications. He is an accomplished Product Management & Project Delivery professional with a successful track record of providing complete lifecycle management of “whole” products, families of products, and infrastructure projects. Hugo has experience running Agile teams and delivering projects on time and on-budget in the face of organizational challenges and market dynamics. 

Jeffery Payne has led Coveros since its inception in 2008. Mr. Payne is a popular keynote and featured speaker at technology conferences and has testified before Congress on technology issues such as intellectual property rights and cyber-terrorism. Before Coveros, he was co-founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Cigital, where he led the company's startup and growth for 16 years. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Allegheny College and an M.S. in Computer Science from The College of William and Mary.


See you at our future events! 

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