Recap: JFTL 2023 Conference in Paris

June 14th, 2023 by inflectra


On June 13, 2023, #TeamInflectra sponsored the annual Journée des Tests Logiciels (JFTL) Conference in Paris, France. In the years that Inflectra has sponsored JFTL, we've had the opportunity to build brand recognition in the French market, meet customers and partners alike, and network with other sponsors, and this year was no different. Read on to learn about Inflectra’s experience at the conference.

The Inflectra booth

On the first day of the conference, the expo is closed to the public, allowing time for sponsors to set up their booths and displays. This year, our booth had a nuanced design and was stocked with our most popular swag: USB-C to USB converters, the “James Bond” pen, webcam covers, and Inflectra-designed stickers. 

After the initial set-up, we were off to meet our partners to discuss strategy, customer opportunities, and the Inflectra suite enablement.



On the day of the EXPO, the team was in the booth to greet the attendees at 8 AM when the doors opened. This year, the conference had more than 1,300 attendees. Throughout the day, we talked to many new faces about Inflectra tools, their use cases, and how they relate to other tools in the market. This year, we noticed that attendees had increased interest in learning more about Rapise and the automation side of testing, in addition to how our tools would be able to integrate in their existing software ecosystem. We were also able to catch up with a good number of Inflectra customers and discussed new product updates. 

During slower moments, we ventured around the conference hall to talk with other sponsors, a couple of which are Inflectra partners, like TTC Global, OctoPerf, and Keysight.

At the end of the day, attendees and sponsors gathered together for a prize giveaway, where Inflectra was happy to gift the winner a pair of Apple AirPods. When it was time to pack up, we were amazed to see that nearly all the Inflectra swag and flyers had been given to attendees by the end of the day! 


Au Revoir, Until Next Year

It was a fun couple of days at the JFTL conference this year, and we thank all of the organizers for holding, yet again, a great event. Thanks to all those who were able to stop by the booth, talk with us, and say hello. We hope you enjoyed the conference and will continue to enjoy the Inflectra swag. 

Coming up soon on Inflectra’s conference lineup - Testing Talks 2023 in Sydney Australia on July 26, 2023. See you there!

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