Spira v6.16 Released: Workspace Filtering, CI Webhook Integrations and Custom Reporting

11-Apr-2022 by Inflectra Product News

We are pleased to announce the release of the latest version of our award-winning test management SpiraTest system, application lifecycle management SpiraTeam platform, and enterprise agile planning platform - SpiraPlan. The new version (6.16) includes enhancements to the workspace navigator, letting you filter the list of products, programs and portfolios, custom graphing dashboard enhancements, and webhook support for GitLab, GitHub and CircleCI.

New Features

  • The global navigation helps users understand what key features are available in the tool but not currently accessible to them [RQ:4154]
  • ** Webhooks (inbound)**

    • Integrate with GitHub Actions so they can be saved against a release as a new build [RQ:4198]
    • Integrate with GitLab Pipelines so they can be saved against a release as a new build [RQ:4197]
    • Integrate with CircleCI Pipelines so they can be saved against a release as a new build [RQ:4196]

Bug Fixes & Enhancements

  • Navigation

    • Improve the global search by including not just recent searches, but also a list of recently viewed artifacts [IN:6922]
    • Let users filter the global navigation workspace dropdown to make it easier to find the workspace a user [IN:6921]
    • Show artifact icons in the headings of the template administration menu subsections to make them more visually clear [IN:7046]
  • Reporting

    • Fix not being able to generate the Release Summary report in PDF format [IN:5278]
    • Let users add specific custom graphs to their reporting page and show the name of that custom graph in the widget header [IN:4787]
    • Make the "associated task" tables in the the Requirement Detailed Report more legible by removing non essential columns [IN:7132]
    • Show the custom graph description when you hover on the help icon of a custom graph on the reporting page [IN:4700]
  • Other

    • Fix the "Set Sample Data" popup from continuously popping up if you open the application for the first time only after it has been installed and then upgraded [IN:7123]
    • Fix the app pool and database not being deleted on uninstall after an upgrade operation (app directory is deleted) [IN:7031]
    • Fix the association type "prerequisite-for" not showing correctly for artifacts associated to an artifact that "depends-on" it (introduced in 6.15.1) [IN:7159]
    • Fix the product home page failing with a system error with certain configurations of widgets and permissions [IN:7107]
    • Fix updating a release via the API not recording history for the changes [IN:7131]
    • Fix users and system admins not being able to turn off RSS Feeds (on user profile or system admin pages respectively) [IN:7098]
    • Fix users not being able to see or set the "displaying" release dropdown on the product home page, if the Product Overview widget is not shown (introduced in 6.15.1) [IN:7138]
    • Hide the attachment tab on artifact details pages if the user does not have document view permissions [IN:4779]
    • Make code blocks inside the rich text editor more legible when in dark mode [IN:7140]