Spotlight on KronoDesk 3.0 - Tickets, Knowledge Base and User Groups

August 30th, 2018 by inflectra

kronodesk help desk customer support roadmap spotlight

Our development team has been working feverishly on the next version of KronoDesk, our acclaimed help desk solution for SpiraTeam. There are many new features and improvements as part of KronoDesk 3.0, and this article focuses on the enhancements to the help desk and knowledge base modules.

Help Desk Ticketing Enhancements

We have completely redesigned the new help desk ticket logging page to make it quicker and easier for customers and users to raise new tickets when they need a problem addressed right away.

The new ticket creation page puts all the required fields "above the fold" on the page, with the optional fields displayed lower down. This makes it easier for a customer to know what they have to fill in to get the tickets submitted.

For customer support agents (and end users) the ticket viewing / editing page has also been completely rewritten from scratch. The new design reduces the vertical scrolling that was an annoyance with earlier versions of KronoDesk, better integrates the ticket notes, history, and file attachments into a single "journal view" designed to make it easier to see at a glance what action needs to be taken.

Ability to CC People

One of the most requested features is the ability to include a list of CCed people, so that when a support agent replies to the ticket, the opener and associated CC users will get an email response. We shall be updating our email integration tool to also read the CCed email addresses from the incoming email message. That way when you log a support ticket for the first time, all interested parties will get a response.

Support Agent Groups

Another key new feature in KronoDesk 3.0 is the ability to create support agent user groups that let multiple support personnel collaborate on tickets, where tickets can be assigned to individual agents as well as a group:

Knowledge Base Enhancements

We have made some changes to the design and layout of the knowledge base pages, to make better use of the space on the page, and have it display better across different sized devices, and handle articles with large screenshots more comfortably:



What Else is Planned

In addition to these enhancements, we will be adding a new reporting module to KronoDesk that will allow you to generate reports more easily than with the current version, this will be covered in a future article, so stay tuned...


Would You Like To See How This All Works?

Join our free webinar on Nov 1, 2018. Sign up here: Free Webinar: Introduction to IT Help Desk Software


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